Press articles describing our work on the board:
Election 2023: Interview with Pia and Jesper in Uniavisen why we run (DK) (English version)
Election 2023: Article in Uniavisen why we run (DK) (English version)
Election 2023: Why Anja C. Andersen and Eske Willerslev think we should be reelected (DK). (English version)
Election 2023: Article in Uniavisen by PhD students and postdocs (DK) (English version)
Nov. 2023: Pia is interviewed in about the new faculty boards (DK)
Nov 2023: Pia is interviewed in DJØF Bladet about the UCPH strategy, and how a research university like UCPH should support the green transition, without out introducing new bureaucracy or sacrificing core academic values. (DK).
Sept 2023: Pia and Jesper explain in Uniavisen how the coming UCPH strategy 2030 should strongly support the green transition, but without sacrificing core academic values: "Bestyrelsen skal ikke detailstyre forskning og undervisning".
June 2023: Pia cited in Forskerforum about the new faculty boards. See also rector's explanation.
May 2023: Pia and Jesper cited in piece in Weekendavisen about the new faculty boards.
May, 2023: Jesper comments on the DFiR report in Uniavisen's piece "Demokrati og forskningsfrihed halter på danske universiteter"
September, 2022: Pia and Jesper explain in Uniavisen what they are up to: "Her er hvad vi laver i universitetsbestyrelsen".
July, 2022; Pia and Jesper in Politiken: "Dekanens analyse er helt ude i hampen" (replik til M.V. Rasmussens kronik 2.7.2022)
Oct, 2021: Jesper quoted in Science Report article about university governance.
Sept, 2021: Interview with Pia in Uniavisen: "En sjælden humanist i bestyrelsen"
Dec, 2020: Interview with Jesper in Uniavisen about the first year (DK)
May, 2020: Interview with Jesper in Uniavisen explaining the vice-rector for research advertisement (DK)
Feb, 2020: Article in Information about the university law, quoting from Forskerforum piece
Feb, 2020: Eske quoted in Forskerforum piece about the trust in university leadership.
Jan, 2020: Eske in Deadline discussing leadership at UCPH vs Cambridge (starts at minute 19:40)
Jan, 2020: Interview with Eske in Magisterbladet (DK)
Dec, 2019: Interview in Science Report (DK)
Nov, 2019: Læs vores forklaring af hvorfor vi stiller op i Uniavisen (DK)
Nov, 2019: Read our explanation of why we're running in University Post (ENG)
Nov, 2019: Interview with Eske and Jesper in University Post (ENG translation)
Nov, 2019: Interview med Eske and Jesper i Uniavisen (DK)
Other relevant press:
Nov, 2021: Forskerforum article about the Royal Academy whitepaper about university governance.
Oct, 2021: Ole Wæver in Uniavisen explaining whitepaper from Royal Academy about university governance.
Oct, 2021: Royal Academy whitepaper and meeting about university governance
Feb , 2020: INGenøren editorial: "Nysgerrigheden lider, når forskning bliver forretning"